Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla is fast approaching its first anniversary, and the developers have unveiled a brand new roadmap for the game. In this roadmap, you’ll find out what’s coming up in the free game, as well as the two upcoming Title Updates. The free game activity is expected to come in November and December.
While the game’s gameplay is solid, some of the more frustrating aspects are the gameplay. For example, there’s no horseback combat, which means that you’re limited to using your bow. And since your horseback kicks weakly and slowly, it’s not much use fighting cavalry units. Your only options when fighting these shit eaters are hiding and running around in circles. Or you could go with Option C and run away from the cavalry units.
Valhalla also makes horseback combat frustrating. Since you can’t use your main weapons while on horseback, you’re left with only a bow, and you can’t kick them as hard as you can on foot. This means that there’s only two ways to deal with cavalry units: hide or run around in circles and take all the hits they can dish out. You can also run away from these shit eaters if you’re desperate enough.
In the meantime, you’re waiting for a new roadmap. Fans of the Assassin’s Creed franchise have expressed their excitement over the continued post-launch support. While many previous Assassin’s Creed titles lack post-launch support, Valhalla users have stated that they might come back to see what’s new. You can download Assassin’s Creed Valhalla on Amazon Luna and PlayStation 4 and Xbox One today.
The game’s main weapons are not a good choice in this game. The only way to deal with cavalry units is to hide and take as many hits as you can. If you’re hiding, you’ll take hits and end up with a dead horse. The best option, however, is to run away and wait for a new roadmap.
While the game’s release on the Amazon Luna is an impressive milestone for Assassin’s Creed, the game’s post-launch support is a bit underwhelming. You’ll be fighting on foot for the entire game, and if you do, you can only use a small bow and kicks slowly. This isn’t a good option in a game like Valhalla. You should not try to fight with a cavalry unit unless you’re confident that you can kill it in a circle. That way, you’ll be able to avoid them.